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“Empowering students with strategies to express their unique learning style”

Darlene Rose DeMaria, MA, BCET

Darlene Rose DeMaria, Owner/Director of Edu-Therapy, specializes in a creative multi-sensory approach to empower students in the expression of their unique learning style. Her warm and caring professionalism enables students to achieve personal and academic success and she works collaboratively with families and educators to achieve each student’s specific goals.


Ms. DeMaria has worked in the field of education for 30 years. She earned a Master's Degree in Special Education with a specialty in Specific Learning Disabilities. She holds a Clear Multiple Subjects (K-Adult) and Learning Specialist Credentials. She also acquired a Dyslexia Remediation Certification and has trained with Lindamood Bell. She has also earned Certification as a Level I & II Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner.


Her teaching career has included regular and special education settings in the elementary & junior college levels. She has served as a Resource Specialist, a Diagnostician at California Pacific Medical Center, a Reading Specialist, a Tutorial Learning Center Director, and a College English Teacher. She brings all of this wisdom and experience to her current private practice and proudly serves as a Board Certified Member of the Association of Educational Therapists (AET).

express yourself
Darlene at Edu-Therapy

“As a Board Certified Educational Therapist, I have grown to appreciate the wisdom found in the ‘play’ of learning. I encourage the ‘Language of Art’ which I have discovered gives students the freedom and ease of self-expression. The ‘Real Voice’ of each student can emerge naturally within this creative activity. This process provides genuine access to inner language which develops written language skills without the criticism and perfectionism of the critic’s censor.”


The importance of developing a genuine relationship and trust with student and family is core to Ms. DeMaria’s educational-therapeutic approach.

attributes for learning

© 2018 Edu-Therapy Learning Center by MacMan Computing

Phone: 650-343-7273 

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